The core concepts of Stoicism are super simple, and that’s why it’s been such a powerful and life-changing tool for millions of people around the world.

what is stoicism

If someone’s explanation of what “Stoic” means takes longer than a few seconds to understand, then they’re making it more complicated than it should be.

Over on the Reddit Stoicism group, someone asked for examples of the easiest way to explain what “Stoic” means, and we got a kick out of some of the awesome, simple answers they got!

A Simple Way to Explain Stoicism

This answer that was offered by a user named OrangesAreOrangeHa is a short, sweet and beautiful way to explain Stoicism to a newcomer:

What Does Stoic Mean

Of course, “trying to be the best person you can along the way” could mean a lot of different things to different people . . . but we think that most Stoics would agree that part of it involves finding satisfaction in simply doing your best.

Here’s another answer that we really liked:

Stoicism simple definition

“Don’t waste time” and “do what you can with the time that was given to you” are both great pieces of advice for anyone, regardless of whether they’re into Stoicism or not!

And finally, our favorite simple description of being Stoic from a user who goes by the name of chaimatchalatte on Reddit:

simple Stoicism explanation

Lots of people wrongly think that Stoicism means getting rid all emotions, which is why we love that this explains that “emotions are neither good or bad, just don’t let them control you.”